Tips: Selecting the Right Mobile Network

♠ Posted by dhodoll in
Selecting the right network, tariff and mobile depends on your individual circumstances and requirements. The guidelines given here will help you assess your needs and hence should enable you to make the right connection by configure APN settings. However it is your choice as to which network you select or the type of mobile and tariff best suits your specific needs.
Choosing the mobile handset mainly depends on the Network operator and tariff you have selected as each operator only offers their particular range of approved mobiles. Pre-paid tariffs usually have a limited range of mobiles compared to Post-pay tariffs. Once you know which mobiles are available to you, then you can compare them based on price, functionality, performance and style.

  • Determine how much you want to spend on your mobile.
  • Obtain details of each mobile available with the network and tariff you have selected.
  • Pick only mobiles that fall within your price range.
  • List all functionalities you require (ie. WAP, SMS, Voice Dialling, fax etc.)
  • Pick only mobiles that offer the functionalities you require.
  • Compare battery performance (ie. Talk time, Standby time and re-charge time).
  • Pick three (or lower if less than 3) mobiles offering the highest talktime & standby time and the lowest re-charge time.
  • Select the mobile that suits your taste.

Select Mobile Network

There are different network operators providing mobile services. These are T-Mobile (One2one), Vodafone, O2 (Cellnet), and Orange, Mobilink, Telenor, Al-Warid, Ufone. Each network provides different wide area coverage in different countries and provide services which vary depending upon your actual location. Hence you should first check with the network operator to ensure they provide adequate In-building coverage to your area. Coverage levels vary from area to

area and to make a good quality call from inside your house requires. In-building coverage. Some areas may have Outdoor coverage and this means that you will be able to make a call from your car or outdoors but calls from inside a building will not be of good quality. You can compare regional performance of each network by checking the survey report published by regulation authority.
Find out if you have good coverage in your area (Network operator or their Dealer shops can help)
Compare network performances in your region using the report published by Oftel.
Check with your friends and families to find out which network they are connected with because call charges to other networks can be higher. This will also give you a chance to hear their views about the network they are using and the type of problem they've had (if any).

There are so many different tariff's offered by each network and therefore it is difficult to decide which one best suits your needs. Do you go for pre-paid or post-paid service? The choice will significantly affect the call rates and the level of service you receive.
Pre-paid service offers freedom to control your monthly bill as there are no monthly bills. You basically pay for the service before you use it. However this comes at the expense of higher call charges and minimum service level support from the network operator. The mobile handsets are not subsidized hence the cost's are higher.

Post-paid requires you to sign a contract with the network operator which usually comes with a minimum one year agreement. However the cost of the handset is subsidised and the call rates are lower. It is necessary for the network operator to check your credit history prior to offering this service. Hence make sure that you have good credit records, otherwise you will be refused this service. This type of service comes with a monthly line rental and your bill is usually taken by direct debit (most operators will not offer this service unless you pay by direct debit).
Decide on how much you can afford to spend on your monthly phone bill and what you are prepared to pay initially for the handset cost.

How frequently are you likely to use your mobile? Will it be for emergency use only or are you likely to be calling every hour.

Estimate your monthly usage. Post-pay services offer more freetime or discounted call rates for higher monthly line rental. This can lead to lower overall monthly bill. Where as Pre-pay can be very expensive for high usage callers because of the call rates usually being higher.
Decide whether to have Pre-paid or Post-paid type services. This will narrow the options available (in particular for pre-paid).

Find out which network most of your friends and families are connected with. Higher call charges apply to calls made to other networks on most tariffs however certain tariffs offer low rates for such calls.

When are you likely to make most of your calls (ie. day time, evening, weekend etc.)? Call rates vary between different times of the day or week.

Obtain details of different tariffs from the network operator. This should include all the call charges and discounted call rates.

Based on your assumptions for monthly usage determine estimate for your monthly bill using call rates provided for each tariff. (Use only your most frequent time for making calls such as evening, in the calculation).

Compare each tariff against cost, benefits and service level support (such as upgrade terms, Global roaming activation etc.) to determine the right package for you.


Sistem Penilaian Kurikulum 2013

♠ Posted by dhodoll in
Kehadiran kurikulum 2013 tidak lepas dari kurikulum sebelumnya, yakni KTSP tahun 2006. Kurikulum 2013 sebagai hasil dari penjabaran Permendikbud  No. 65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah yang mengisyaratkan mengisyaratkan tentang perlunya proses pembelajaran yang dipandu dengan kaidah-kaidah pendekatan saintifik atau ilmiah. Sebagaimana disebutkan Sudrajat (2013) bahwa kehadiran kurikulum 2013 menjadikan menjadikan siswa lebih aktif dalam mengkonstruksi  pengetahuan dan keterampilannya, juga dapat mendorong siswa untuk melakukan  penyelidikan guna menemukan fakta-fakta dari suatu fenomena atau kejadian.

Pendidikan menjadi syarat penting dalam perwujudan tatanilai  berkehidupan berbangsa. Tata nilai itu menjadi tujuan utama pendidikan. Pada  pendidikan potensi diri dikembagkan agar peserta didik memiliki prinsif dan keterampilan. Pendidikan sendiri menurut Undang-undang Republik Indonesia
nomor 20 tahun 2003 menyebutkan bahwa “Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar  peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara.” Dalam pendidikan, diatur pula kurikulum dan kompoen-komponen yang  berkaitan dengannya.

Selanjutnya, Pasal 3 menegaskan bahwa pendidikan nasional “berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang  bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk  berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan  bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggung

Pengertian Kurikulum juga dapat dicermati menurut Undang-undang Republik Indonesia nomor 20 tahun 2003 pada pasal 1 bab 1 yang menyebutkan bahwa “Kurikulum adalah seperangkat rencana dan pengaturan mengenai tujuan, isi, dan bahan pelajaran serta cara yang digunakan sebagai pedoman  penyelenggaraan kegiatan pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan tertentu.”

Selanjutnya pada pasal 35 tetang Standar nasional Pendidikan dijelaskan  bahwa “standar pendidikan pendidikan terdiri atas standar isi, proses, kompetensi lulusan, tenaga kependidikan, sarana dan prasarana, pengelolaan, pembiayaan, dan  penilaian pendidikan yang harus ditingkatkan secara berencana dan berkala.

Dalam pengertian modern kurikulum adalah semua kegiatan dan  pengalaman potensial (isi/materi) yang telah disusun secara ilmiah baik yang terjadi di dalam kelas, halaman sekolah maupun di luar sekolah atas tanggung  jawab sekolah untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Implikasi dari pengertian tersebut adalah kurikulum tidak hanya terdiri atas sejumlah mata pelajaran, tetapi meliputi seluruh pengalaman potensial, tidak hanya di dalam kelas tetapi juga di luar sekolah, baik meliputi kegiatan menyimak, mendengarkan, beribicara melakukan demonstrasi, workshop  ataupun studi kepustakaan (Zaenal Arifin, 2012: 4).

Gunakan alat bantu untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 mengunakan

Blackberry Application Development And Outsource Software Development

♠ Posted by dhodoll in
Rim is massively standard among business customers since it's business friendly options prove terribly helpful to customers. A Rim phone's usability is enhanced by installing many 3rd party solutions which are available and straightforward to download furthermore as use. With Rim inside your hands, you'll have the ability to nearly make a move and connected the truth is with anybody anytime. It's the fresh short-cut of remaining connected. BlackBerry success has brought to in excess of 28 million customers of the good phone whole.

Read about: BlackBerry Passport Manual

This fame brought towards the gradual growth and development of Rim programs and outsourced software development marketplace which has produced this trade an ever increasing and forward area of animation. Whenever, more recent Rim cell phones are released with advanced options and sole technology, it's a challenge for that Rim application designers to conquer your competition .Several programs and software are developed and released inside the market either free of charge or trial packs or buy-and-use packs, that composes of assorted messenger programs, , browsers, games styles, and advanced e-mailing software. Of those choices are largely downloaded and utilized by customers.

Quoted from UserLib.Com Rim and apple iphone have become the newest and finest things for just about any ambitious business govt. There's a great amount of potential profit to become produced using the careful and tactical development of relevant software programs. Not so long ago, services of software and rim database integration was the exclusive domain of the robust oligarchy of outsourced software development firms and there is hardly any space for other people. With the look of the web and lots of particularly software outsourcing websites, it has significantly equalized the getting involved in area, this means that though someone doesn't have technical or programming expertise whatsoever, they may also go ahead and take massive boys on and offers them a run for cash.

The offshore software development services offers the technical know-how furthermore as expertise and knowledge required for the effective completing a task. All they've might be a project define by the one that is employing them which they'll take over from there. Rim application development observed a faster growth using the growing need for Rim software development firms are rising. It has brought to improving from the Rim programs market. Many mobile application designers were engaging in this sector in awe of risk to create one factor which will mesmerize folks.

Rim being largely the main choice of patrons, saw the increase in designers choosing Rim solutions marketplace. Today, varied and specialized Rim solutions, programs, and software can be found inside the market consequently from the growing need for people for several and more recent programs. Presently that people happen to be intrigued with bit screen cell phones, Rim does not lack inside the race any longer. The newest Rim storm might be a high-finish bit good phone having a 3.3 megapixel camera and lots of better more brilliant choices to supply. With any Rim mobile phone, there's far more you'll have the ability to use a Rim inside your hands.

WWDC and iPhone 6 on June 2014

♠ Posted by dhodoll in
Apple stated yesterday it intends to unveil numerous major upgrades to the software platforms, leading experts to think that it'll be these changes which will define the Apple iPhone 5, not always the hardware.

The customer electronics giant stated on Tuesday that Boss Jobs will return to the level at its Worldwide Developer conference next Monday to provide Mac OS 10.7 Lion for computer systems and also the iOS 5 for that Apple iPhone.

The program may be the initial upgrade towards the iOS platform because the Apple iPhone 4 was introduced. Enhance the iCloud, the located service that Apple can also be likely to unveil and you will have a drastically upgraded product, experts contend.

JMP Analyst Alex Gauna told clients that software developments with iOS 5 and iCloud might be "a lot more revolutionary" than the usual fifth-generation Apple iPhone, whilst setting low anticipation for brand new hardware at WWDC.

"We are searching to determine if the advances are improvements to consumer-centric choices for example iTunes and MobileMe, or virtualization discoveries that create higher enterprise, social media, and/or multimedia inroads," Gauna authored.

Shaw Wu at Sterne Agee went further to even the next Apple iPhone would only feature minor upgrades, saying he's learned that Apple have a "more radical Apple iPhone refresh" this year, when the organization is anticipated introducing one with support for top-speed 4G lengthy-term evolution data.

The backbone from the new platform would be the iCloud which will give customers use of data and services streamed from Apple servers.

Apple has launched into what is the biggest data center on the planet in Maiden, New York in recent several weeks. The 500, 000 sq ft center can give Apple massive computing to complete numerous things difficult before.

RBC's Mike Abramsky stated that iCloud would let Apple exploit certification and digital privileges management, consumer friendliness, along with a massive existing install base in excess of 200 million iOS products, plus iTunes customers.

"Apple's certification associations and 'controlled' platform may attract galleries/marketers trying to minimize piracy, while safeguarding their financial aspects inside a located model," Abramsky authored inside a note to traders on Wednesday. "iCloud can also be classified via Apple's trademark consumer experience for convenience, simplicity, and discoverability. iCloud APIs may over time include designers."

The 500, 000 sq ft center may also give Apple massive computing energy that customers may also exploit and take advantage of, like streaming music and video along with a digital locker service.

WWDC and Apple iPhone 5 on june 6, WWDC and Apple iPhone 5 on june 6, WWDC and Apple iPhone 5 on june 6/a>

Armando is really a tech geek who likes to create about technology..

WWDC and Apple iPhone 5 on june 6, WWDC and Apple iPhone 5 on june 6, WWDC and Apple iPhone 5 on june 6

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